This list includes signatories as of 2/9/25. This page will be updated every few days with new signatories. Institutional affiliations are for identification purposes only.
Original Signers
Michael Toscano
Executive Director, Institute for Family Studies, Director, Family First Technology Initiative
Brad Littlejohn
Fellow, the Ethics and Public Policy Center's Technology and Human Flourishing Project
Clare Morell
Fellow, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Director, Technology and Human Flourishing Project, Author of the forthcoming book The Tech Exit (June 2025)
Jon Askonas
Assistant Professor of Politics, The Catholic University of America, Senior Fellow, Foundation for American Innovation
Emma Waters
Senior Research Associate in the DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family at The Heritage Foundation
Ryan T. Anderson
President, the Ethics and Public Policy Center
Erika Bachiochi
Fellow, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Editor in Chief, Fairer Disputations
Oren Cass
Founder and Chief Economist, American Compass
Miriam Cates
GB News Presenter, Senior Fellow at the Centre for Social Justice, and Former Member of Parliament
Matthew B. Crawford
Senior Fellow, the University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture
Christopher DeMuth
Distinguished Fellow in American Thought, The Heritage Foundation, Chairman, National Conservatism Conference
Patrick J. Deneen
Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame
Robert P. George
McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University
Mary Harrington
Author of Feminism Against Progress
Yoram Hazony
Chairman, Edmund Burke Foundation
Yuval Levin
Director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies, the American Enterprise Institute
M. Anthony Mills
Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Technology, Science, and Energy at the American Enterprise Institute, Senior Fellow, Pepperdine University's School of Public Policy
Joshua Mitchell
Department of Government, Georgetown University
R. Albert Mohler Jr.
President, Centennial Professor of Theology, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
C. C. Pecknold
Associate Professor of Theology, The Catholic University of America
Nathan Pinkoski
Research Fellow, Institute for Philosophy, Technology, and Politics
Ramesh Ponnuru
Editor, National Review
R. R. Reno
Editor, First Things
Kevin Roberts
President, The Heritage Foundation
Christine Rosen
Senior Fellow, the American Enterprise Institute
Leah Libresco Sargeant
Author of The Dignity of Dependence
Ari Schulman
Editor, The New Atlantis, Fellow, Cosmos Ventures
O. Carter Snead
Charles E. Rice Professor of Law and Concurrent Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame, Fellow, the Ethics and Public Policy Center
Eric Teetsel
President and CEO, Center for Renewing America
Carl R. Trueman
Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Grove City College, Fellow, the Ethics and Public Policy Center
Andrew T. Walker
Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Public Theology, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fellow, the Ethics and Public Policy Center
Brad Wilcox
Melville Foundation Jefferson Scholars Foundation University Professor of Sociology, University of Virginia, Future of Freedom Fellow, Institute for Family Studies, Nonresident Senior Fellow, the American Enterprise Institute
Additional Signers
Spencer Cox
Governor of Utah
John Stonestreet
President, Colson Center for Christian Worldview
Audrey Tang
Cyber Ambassador, Taiwan
Benjamin Olsen
Advisor at AI & Faith, Head of Responsible AI for Windows at Microsoft
E. Glen Weyl
Research Lead, Microsoft Research Plural Technology Collaboratory, Founder, RadicalxChange Foundation and Plurality Institute
George A. Dunn
Indiana University
Katy Faust
Founder and President, Them Before Us
Kyle Washut
President, Wyoming Catholic College
Jake Meador
Editor-in-Chief, Mere Orthodoxy
James R. Wood
Assistant Professor of Religion and Theology at Redeemer University
Andrejs Berdnikovs
Responsible Technology Catalyst
Mark R. Kremer
Publisher, Mere Orthodoxy, Executive Director and consultant with the Institutefor Christianity and Common Life
Mary Wakefield
Commissioning Editor, The Spectator
Michael Naughton
Director, Center for Catholic Studies, University of St. Thomas (MN)
Mois Navon
Advisor on Artificial Intelligence Policy, Government of Israel
Nathanael Blake
Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Roland Millare
Vice President of Curriculum, St. John Paul II Foundation
Tim Goeglein
VP of Government Relations, Focus on the Family
Charles Carman
Catholic University of America
Charles Rickey
Grace House Ministries
Cynthia Albert
Colson Fellows
Dan Hoekema
Christian Reformed Church
Adrian J Reimers
Adjunct Professor, Holy Cross College
Dan Van Syoc
Col, USAF, MC (ret)
Dana St John
Colson Fellows
David English
Former Director of Global Opportunities
Dr. Elizabeth Youmans
Chrysalis International
Dr. Mark W. French
Professional Educator
Emile Doak
Executive Director, Chelsea Academy
Emily Harrison
Writer & Speaker,
G. Shane Morris
The Colson Center
Gina Scheer
Grayson Quay
Author, The Serpent's Promise
Greg Scott
President, Messaging Well
James Osborne
Jan Frederic Dudt
Grove City College Professor of Biology
Janet Stewart
John D. Koch, Jr.
Rector, St. Luke's Anglican Church
Jose Ziebarth
Founder of Alliance Aletheia
Kathy Morrison, R.N.
Colson Fellows
Larry Mayer
Colson Fellows
Luke Daniel Batty, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
Marcus Johnson
Moody Bible Institute
Michael W. Stajduhar
Commissioner, Cass County Indiana
Nathan Carter Johnson
New College Franklin
Neil White
University of Colorado, Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Retired
Randy Bosma
Zion Christian School
Rev. Camilo P Alcomendras, MD, MPH
Logos Christian Ministries, Inc.
Rick Harig
Legacy Resources, L.C.C.
Rob Schripsema
Colson Fellows
Ronald Krueger
Colson Fellows
Shane Green
Ratio Christi, Colson Fellows
Steve Watters
T. J. Gentry
Senior Pastor, First Christian Church, West Frankfort, IL
Herman Middleton
You Are Not A Machine
Jacob A Rogers
Associate Priest at Saint Luke's Anglican Church
Jason Adkins
Minnesota Catholic Conference
Jonathan Len Vowell, PhD
The Center for Western Studies (Memphis, TN)
Philip D. Bunn
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Covenant College
Terry Leigh Perrine
Director, WRGN
Will Orr-Ewing
Smartphone Free Childhood
Zach Michel
Colson Fellows